Dumbo- S.O.L Day 14

Yesterday before Dances class A truck came. The  door bell rang my mom said “that might be Dumbo “🐘. I ran down the stairs but I did not get hurt. My grandma open the door. It was my package 📦! I opened the package it was Dumbo. He  was so soft. My mom said “you can bring Dumbo to dance class but you have to leave him in the car” “okay” I said 

p.s he likes penuts.🥜

Who Do You Love The Best – S.O.L Day 12

Today we read I love you the purplest. It was about two Boys that said mama who do you love the best? and one Boy was blue and the other one was red. Like mama said. But not actually the two boys where blue and red. It’s  like who they are, And I have the same thing that mama said. I love you the silverlest  your pretty as glitter✨. Your the best like a star ⭐️. Like a flower. Like a unicorn. Like a present. Like a sunshine ☀️.Can you guess who it is?

My first Ag Doll S.O.L Day 9

On April 13 2018 me and my mom and dad went to the Ag store. Because I really wanted A Ag Doll,  since  I have a Wellie  wisher she came to. When we got there I pick out my Ag Doll. she look just like me I named her Camille. when she came out of the box we went to get her hair done,and  her ears pierced.  I got her clothes and glasses and  a pet. I even got a outfit for my baby doll . After that  we went to the cafe and my Ag doll came to and my wellie wisher. We had a tea party 🥳 🧁


10 Facts About Me- S.O.L Day# 7

  1. I love Dumbo because he’s my favorite Disney character.
  2. My favorite fruit is strawberries because they are juicey.
  3. Cotton candy is the best because it’s so fluffy.
  4. I bleve In Santa.
  5. I love the color blue and pink because they are so pretty.
  6. My spirit animal is a sloth because they are so cute.
  7. I have a eif on the shelf because I been wanting one.
  8. I have a Ag Doll and she looks like me 
  9.  I love to dance.
  10. I love chick-fil-a. they’re food is the best. Bonus fact I have a brother. He’s 20 years old and I have 4 Dogs.

My Tooth! S.O.L Day 6

It was just A normal day at school. My tooth was wiggle and it feel like it was going to fall out! So after school my mom pick me up. and I said “mommy I feel like my tooth is going to come out”. time has gone. it was bedtime. Before I brush my teeth my tooth fell out! The next day  I got $5!! 💵